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 Info/How to apply for access to Galaxy Tools

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Grand Vizier
Grand Vizier

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Info/How to apply for access to Galaxy Tools Empty
PostSubject: Info/How to apply for access to Galaxy Tools   Info/How to apply for access to Galaxy Tools Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2012 5:58 pm

Hello, and welcome to the Galactic Empire forums. This section of the forums is reserved for people who aren't a part of the Galactic Empire to apply for access to the Galactic Empire maintained Galaxy Tool.

If you need more information about Galaxy Tool, you can find it here at the Galaxy Tool Wiki. Briefly, Galaxy Tool is a legal Ogame tool that gathers information (espionage reports/galaxy views/highscores/phalanx reports/etc.) through a a Firefox/Chrome plugin. This information is sent to a websites database automatically, and from this website users can effectively search through this information. It's extremely useful for any player who wants to search through a ton of information efficiently.

To use this tool, you need to maintain a website/database for all of the information the plugin gathers. This usually costs money (host/web domain). In this case, the website is fully paid for and maintained by the Galactic Empire. Originally, this website was to be reserved for only Galactic Empire members; however, more people using the tool gives more information for everyone who participates to use. Thus, it's mutually beneficial for the Galactic Empire to let other people use the website.

With that being said, there's one requirement for using the Galaxy Tool:

1. You have to use the Firefox/Chrome plugin for Galaxy Tool. The only way the website can get up-to-date information is if plenty of people are using the Galaxy Tool plugin. The more people that use it, the more information there is on the website for everyone to use. We have an easy to follow guide for installing the plugin correctly after you're accepted.

Other notes:

1. Using this tool/our website doesn't imply any sort of alliance/friendly affiliation between Galactic Empire and you. You're welcome to attack Galactic Empire members, and we'll still attack you if you're profitable.

2. You're the only one allowed to use an account accessing the Galaxy Tool. If we see multiple people accessing the same Galaxy Tool account, it will be removed. No exceptions.

3. If you remove/disable your Galaxy Tool plugin, your account will be removed. If you're not willing to let the plugin gather information for the website, you're not welcome to use the information other people's plugins gather. The plugin does all of this gathering automatically, so there's no reason for you to not participate (other then being selfish).

4. This tool only holds information from Universe 1 (US). If you're not on universe 1 it won't work for you.


With all of that being said, here is a rough guide for you to follow when applying for access:

1. Create a new topic with your in-game name as the topic name (E.g. I would name the topic "Faction")

2. Make sure the message includes the following:

  • Your in-game name

  • Your alliance name (if any)

  • These exact words, "I have read, understand, and agree to all of the information you provided regarding my use of the Galactic Empire Galaxy Tool. I understand that my account on said Galaxy Tool can be removed at any time without any explanation."

After being given this information, we'll have you apply on with your username being the same as your in-game name. If you change your in-game name, you must change your Galaxy Tool name accordingly.
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