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 [Guide] -- How to fully setup your Galaxy Tools Plugin and use our website!

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Grand Vizier
Grand Vizier

Force Power : 9092

Ogame Status
Style of Play: Hybrid
Homeworld: 1:262:9

[Guide] -- How to fully setup your Galaxy Tools Plugin and use our website! Empty
PostSubject: [Guide] -- How to fully setup your Galaxy Tools Plugin and use our website!   [Guide] -- How to fully setup your Galaxy Tools Plugin and use our website! Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2012 6:17 pm

You have to fill out an application (follow instructions in other stickied post) before you can do any of this.

Please follow all the below steps to the letter. If you have questions or run into trouble, please don't hesitate to ask.

[website signup]
1. First you have to register an account on the website:
2. Once you register, you have to WAIT for an admin to active your account. We now have multiple admins ready to activate accounts, so it shouldn't take more than an hour.
3. After you receive an email saying that your account has been activated, you can proceed with setting up your Galaxy Tool plugin!

[galaxy tool plugin setup]

1. Download/install the Galaxy Tool plugin from this link: Obviously download the file under the giant Firefox title if you use Firefox, and the file under the giant Chrome title, if you use that. Be smart people..(look at screen shot for clarification)
[Guide] -- How to fully setup your Galaxy Tools Plugin and use our website! Duh10

NOTE: The addons ONLY EXIST for Chrome/Firefox. If you use Internet Explorer/Opera, there's no way for you to send information to the server and help the website. I highly recommend you switch to Chrome or Firefox because of this.

2. On your Chrome/Firefox, go to Addons(extentions)
3. Click "Options" next to the Galaxy Tools addon/extention

4. Under the 'Galaxy Tool tab' in options, fill out the following information:

Ogame Servername:
Galaxy tool URL:
Username: (your username on the website
Password: password for

Logon key: To get a login key go to the Overview page on the website and under the "GalaxyTool Plugin Information" click the "Get new key" button. Use that key in the Logon key in your galaxy tool options.

You can look at the screen shot below to see how those 4 things look in firefox.

[Guide] -- How to fully setup your Galaxy Tools Plugin and use our website! Guide10

5. CLICK "Check" to make sure it works.

6. You should make sure you disable certain things you don't want sent to the tool. For sure, you should disable "Submit player message contents" and "Submit fleet movement". Nobody has access to see these on the website anyways, but it's still in your best interest not to send such dangerous information. Please look at the screen shot below:

[Guide] -- How to fully setup your Galaxy Tools Plugin and use our website! Reco10

*Use " " as the OGame Server Name
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